There are several possible reasons why the device connection status is offline. Please try the following troubleshooting steps in order to resolve this issue:
- Verify the device is powered on.
- Verify the device has airplane mode disabled.
- Verify the device's date and time is correct by going to Settings > Date & time > tap the Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone switches to enable these settings. If the device's date and time are still incorrect after switching the automatic date and time settings, then turn off the automatic settings and set the date, time, and timezone manually.
- If your device is connected to a WiFi network, please ensure that the network is not blocking port 443 or 1883 and that other devices connected to the network are able to connect to the internet.
- If your device is connected to a cellular network, please ensure that the SIM card is activated and your device has not exceeded the data usage limit.
- If all the above conditions are met and the device connection status is still offline. Try rebooting the device and wait about ~10 minutes before checking the device connection status again.