A new UUID column has been added to better align the identifiers we use in Controller with our Fleet API and the link to view the device details has been changed as such. Some users who have toggled or rearranged columns prior to the UUID column being added may not see this column. If your device list looks like this you may be impacted:
You can resolve this issue by clearing the localStorage in your browser.
In Firefox, localStorage is cleared when these three conditions are met: (a) user clears recent history, (b) cookies are selected to be cleared, (c) time range is "Everything"
In Chrome, localStorage is cleared when these conditions are met: (a) clear browsing data, (b) "cookies and other site data" is selected, (c) timeframe is "from beginning of time". In Chrome, it is also now possible to delete localStorage for one specific site.
In IE, to clear localStorage: (a) Tools--Internet Options, (b) General tab, (c) delete browsing history on exit, (d) ensure "Cookies and website data" (or "temporary internet files and website files") is selected, (e) consider unchecking "Preserve Favorites website data" at the top
In Safari: (a) Click Safari (b) Preferences (c) Select the Privacy tab (d) Click Remove all website data (e) Click Remove Now
Opera: Despite excellent articles on localStorage from the Opera site, I haven't yet found clear (non-programmatic) instructions to users on how to clear localStorage. If anyone finds, please leave a comment below this answer with reference link.